We know your weeks get filled up quickly. For your convenience keep an eye on this page for information about the various events going down. Note we care about things happening both in the PFC community as well as in our Fonthill/Pelham neighbourhood!
Family Fun Night | Wednesdays 6:30pm
Kicks off at 6:30 pm into our designated groups. Join us for the fun, fellowship and program of interest! Continuing February 7th, is Dr. Barker with the Psalms. Potluck | First Sunday of the month March 3rd, after the service
Part of the church family rhythms of PFC have been a monthly potluck meal together following the Sunday morning service. Potlucks will take place the first Sunday of every month. We invite you to plan to participate while also adding to the goodness through the contribution of a food dish to share. Because of the number of food allergies in our congregation we ask that you post an ingredient list with your potluck contribution (so we don't have any inadvertent hospital trips!)